Mi paquete del Black Yarn Swap/ My BYS package

Acabo de llegar a casa de recoger en la oficina de correos el paquete de Debra, mi swappee del grupo de Ravelry The Black Yarn Swap, y me ha faltado tiempo para abrirlo. He de decir que es uno de los más bonitos que he recibido y ahora os explico que es lo que traia:

– 6 madejas de Classic Elite Lagran Mohair, suficientes para tejer un chal Serafina.

– Un ganchillo del número 8 hecho a mano en hueso por el marido de Debra, BD, juntamente con su funda tejida tambien a mano. Quiero darle las gracias a BD por haberse tomado el tiempo para hacerme un ganchillo que es una autentica preciosidad.

– Una bufanda roja con cables. Es de la medida y el color ideales, pena que sea invierno y no la pueda estrenar todavia….

– Altoids y Jolly Ranchers que son unos caramelos que solia comer cuando vivia en Estados Unidos y que no habia vuelto a probar.

– Un colgante para el móvil en forma de ovejita negra con un trebol de cuatro hojas en el lomo

– Un paquete de té de lavanda.

– Un marcavueltas con una calaverita de color verde

– Una tarjeta muy divertida con ovejas en frente.

Muchas gracias Debra y BD!!!


I just got home from picking up Debra’s package at the post office and I must say I’m out of words, it’s an absolutely lovely package that I’ve got 🙂

Here’s what was in it:

– 6 skeins of Classic Elite Lagrand Mohair enough for a Seraphina shawl. Haven’t ever crochetted anything in mohair and I’m really looking forward to give it a try.
– A handcarved bone hook (size L) made by Debra’s husband together with a handknitted case to keep it safe in, I’m really grateful that he took the time to make one for me and I’m sure to treasure it 🙂
– A knitted red scarf she picked up for me (red is my second fav color :P)
– Altoids and Jolly Ranchers that I missed so much since I came back to Spain and the shop I used to buy them from closed.
– A lovely cellphone charm in the shape of a black ewe with a shamrock
– A package of lavender tea (yummy!!)
– A stitch marker in the shape of a green skull
– A really sweet and fun card with ewes on it.

Thanks very much, Debra and BD!!!

The Black Yarn Swap Q&A

Uno de mis grupos en Ravelry es The Black Yarn Swap (El Intercambio de Lana Negra). Como su nombre indica, los miembros intercambiamos además de patrones y objetos relacionados con el ganchillo o el punto ovillos o madejas de lana negra y otros objetos como dulces, libros y demás. Es como una especie de amigo invisible lanero solo que sabes de antemano quien te va a tocar

Para el próximo swap que va a tener lugar en Junio, es necesario responder a un cuestionario y publicarlo en el blog así que ahi va el mio y de paso también os servira a los que me leeis para conocerme un poco mejor 🙂


One of my groups on Ravelry is The black Yarn Swap. As the name indicates, members swap skeins or balls of black yarn and all sorts of knit/crochet related items as well as books, candy and so. It’s sort of like The Secret Friend Game only that you know beforehand who is yours.

For the next swap to be held in June it’s required that everybody who wants to join answers a questionaire and publishes it in his/her blog. Here’s mine and hopefully it will help my readers to get to know me better.

1.Do you knit, crochet, or both? I crochet, never learnt to knit

2. What do you prefer to knit or crochet? (socks? sweaters? cables?) What would you like to try to knit or crochet?
I love crochetting socks and scarves. Would love to give a try to shawls or bags.

3. What are your hobbies outside of knitting or crocheting?
I love reading, playing on my theremin, beading, felting, doing cross stitch

4. Do you have any fiber allergies? Fiber preferances? None known to me but I dislike itchy yarn. Prefer natural over acrylic.

5. Do you have any favourite books, music, or tv shows? If so, what are they?
Love Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series of books, listen to almost anything except country and rap and I’m an absolute fan of Star Trek and Stargate SG1 TV shows

6. Do you have any pets? I have 3 persian cats and two English Cocker Spaniels

7. Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks? Sweet

8. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Teas of any flavour, can’t drink coffee

9. Aside black, which colours do you like/dislike? I love orange, red, purple, dark lilac

10. What is your favourite time of the year? Holiday-wise Halloween, Christmas and my Bday Season-wise spring and autumn

11. What is your favourite scent?

12. What do you collect? Cat figurines

13. If there’s anything else you’d like your swappee to know, list them here: I love barrettes and wear them quite a lot together with hairclips. I never seem to be able to stop buying them